Page 161 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 161

an inside

 An interview with President of Talent Development and Content, MARIA KELLING



 22  If you ever wondered what goes on behind-the-scenes                                                             22
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  been integral to the evolution of Tracy’s Method since   I started working for Tracy Anderson   Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20

 President of Talent Development and Content, she’s
 150  at Tracy Anderson, just ask  Maria Kelling. As                                                               151
 she first joined in 2006. This includes the creation of
 Method as a trainer back in 2006, just a
 the best-selling Metamorphosis DVD.
 few months shy of the first studio open-
 fessional dancer in jazz, ballet, modern,
 hip-hop, and West African dance, I was
 C  Here, she talks about finding balance and TA LIVE,   ing in Studio City, California. As a pro-                   C
 the latest upgrade to the world-renowned Online Stu-
 TRA  elated when I saw that TA was hiring                                                                           TRA
 dio. Spoiler alert: The digital platform features 240+   dancers specifically.
 live classes every month—available to stream from the
 comfort of your home.   I love teaching and dancing, so I thought
 I would give it a shot. I was also looking
 for stable work between gigs at the time.
 Tell us about yourself.  What’s your role at the company?  It all paid off. Years later, I have worked
 my way up, having experienced almost
 MK: I was recently promoted to President of Talent Development   every aspect of work at the studio level
 and Content, which means I oversee anything and everything   to where I am now. As a trained dancer
 regarding the content that Tracy designs. I support all aspects   signed to a dance agency and a Bachelor
 of our team of trainers, including how they support every client   of Fine Arts with an emphasis in Dance
 with content and results. I head the Prescription Team, which    Choreography, I didn’t imagine myself
 teaches the foundation of the research and the choreography   finding a career in health and wellness.
 that Tracy has created. In other words, I oversee the workouts   But I am so happy that I did!
 and support Tracy with concepts to deliver to the world.
 You were instrumental in the creation
 of the best-selling Metamorphosis DVD.
 What was that experience like?
 Did you foresee the impact it would
 have on others?
 MK: When we started working on the
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