Page 156 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 156


                                                                Sophia Scott                                                             If there’s something there that I like, I’ll take it to a producer   thing as too much material to work with. Or at least that’s
               How has music helped with your own healing journey?                                                                       start on my own with a concept or lyric on the piano or guitar.   an unfiltered stream of whatever’s on my mind. There’s no such

               MAEJOR:                                                                                                                   and/or another writer to see how we can really bring it to life.   what I tell myself to justify the extensive amount of notebooks
                                                                “White Fence” always leaves us feeling empowered.                        Working with Renee and Iggy was such a blast. I loved blend-  on the shelves in my home studio. Or the 1,530 voice memos
               I believe music can help our bodies return to their natural state   Did writing and releasing the song change something in you?   ing genres and creating a fresh sound. Collaborating always   on my phone. It’s so worth it.
               of health and well-being where we can heal. Music has given   And has getting engaged (congrats!) changed                 takes me out of my comfort zone and challenges a new side of
               me a second life. I’m a cancer survivor. Creating music at a   the way you now view that song?                            me. I can’t wait to do more collabs.            Many of your lyrics are confessional, like a midnight
               healing frequency of 432 Hz has allowed me to enhance my                                                                                                                  conversation with a friend. Is it difficult baring
               health in ways I’m very grateful for. It’s given me a suspended   Thank you! I have always been independent and gone a little   How has music been healing for you?       your soul through music? Do you find strength in being
               sense of gratitude.                              against the grain. When I wrote this song I wanted to express                                                            vulnerable?
                                                                that independence in a way that could hopefully empower                  In pretty much every way I can think of. The wonderful thing
               KINGSLEY “RICH AFRIK AN”:                        others to feel the same. I still                                         about music is that there’s something for everyone and a song   It’s a strange and beautiful concept to have a passion fueled by
                                                                hate that we live in a society                                           for pretty much any mood. Whether it’s writing, performing,   me sharing my deepest truths. My thoughts, secrets, memo-
               In many ways, but I’ll start with how music is currently helping   that puts so much pressure on                          or listening to someone else, music connects in a way nothing   ries, heartaches, and dreams have been creative currency since
               my healing.  I’m a first-generation Nigerian-American and I no   people,  particularly  women,                            else can. I grew up listening to songs and artists that made me   I started writing around age 13. I don’t mind it, though. Ten
               longer have my parents with me in the physical form. I recently   to “find someone” in order to                           feel less alone, and now sharing my own songs with people   years of intense introspection has gifted me extreme self-aware-
               lost my father to Covid. I’m always finding ways to connect   be happy or fit in. I wanted                                who are relating in a similar way feels incredibly special and   ness and mindfulness. Also, there’s an undeniable thrill that
               with parents through activities and locations as part  of my   to  give  a  big  middle  finger  to                       therapeutic. I also always say that singing at the top of your   coincides with baring your soul at the risk of anyone listening.
               healing. I’m creating more Afrobeats music to allow me to feel   those constructs because I’m a                           lungs is the best emotional release, 10/10 recommend.
               closer to my roots and parents who are longer here. I’ve always   firm believer in being good on                                                                          I find strength in my vulnerability when it extends to others
               had a fear of losing the connection I have with my homeland   your own. That said, falling in                                                                             and makes them feel seen. That connection with my listeners
        22     in Nigeria since I wasn’t born and raised there. Music helps me   love and finding someone you                            Haley Jonay                                     is the ultimate symbiosis. We validate each other’s feelings and   22
        Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  while dealing with my father’s transition … The message [of   song, because I think it’s also       songwriting process? Is there a part of your process that   so much more genuine and                  Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
                                                                                                                                                                                         experiences through mutual
                                                                want to spend your life with is
               feel closer to my parents and roots.
                                                                                                                                                                                         understanding. I never write
                                                                a beautiful thing—I just don’t
                                                                                                                                                                                         which makes every moment of
                                                                ment. Getting engaged hasn’t
               project Vol 1: Frequency was released the same week my fa-
                                                                changed the way I view the
                                                                                                                                                                                         interconnection with my fans
       146     Also, transparently, Maejor’s song “Thank You” from his   think it should be a require-  SOPHIA SCOTT                     As a multi-instrumentalist, how do you approach the   to be intentionally relatable,                 147
               ther transitioned. I listened to this song and project endlessly
                                                                                                                                         would surprise people?
                                                                                                                                                                                         special. It’s my favorite part of
               the song] is the same message that my father gave to me when
                                                                important to keep your independence within a relationship as
                                                                                                                                                                                         what I do. It’s an honor to be
                                                                                                                                         It might surprise people that I write, record, perform, and pro-
               my mother transitioned: gratitude.
                                                                well. My now-fiancé and I work hard on ourselves first so that
                                                                                                                                                                                         many lives.
                                                                ically, “White Fence” is his favorite song so that’s gotta say
                                                                                                                                         pendent, 23-year-old female singer-songwriter, there’s nothing
                                                                                                                                         more gratifying than being able to directly translate what I hear
        C                                                       we can try to be the best version for the other person. Iron-            duce my music 100% by myself at my home studio. As an inde-  a part of the soundtrack of so           C
        TRA                                                                                                                              in my mind to what plays through the speakers. The weight of   How has music been healing             TRA
                                                                You blend different genres in your music, from pop and                   doing it all myself can be heavy at times, but it’s completely   for you?
                                                                indie to country and grunge. How would you describe your                 overshadowed by the pride I feel when I hear my songs. Cre-
                                                                music to someone who has never heard it?                                 ative control and ownership of my work is an invaluable rarity   Music has been a lifelong source
                                                                                                                                         that I’m so lucky to possess.                   of informal therapy and lim-
                                                                It’s funny you said country and grunge because lately I’ve been                                                          itless self expression. I know   HALEY JONAY
                                                                referring to it as “gruntry” or “southern pop.” I grew up heav-          Do you begin composing with a specific instrument,   firsthand how healing it is to
                                                                ily inspired by soul and R&B singers. When it comes to my                or does it depend on the song?                  listen to a song that matches
                                                                lyrics, I am very much a storyteller and love digging into that                                                          your energy, and my biggest dream is to extend that experience
                                                                aspect of country music. When you connect those two elements             No two songs have the same creation story. They each have   to anyone who connects with my music. As a writer, hearing my
                                                                with some raspy angst, that’s more or less how I would de-               a unique energy and history. Piano and guitar are two of my   own songs is less like looking into a mirror and more like look-
                                                                scribe it. Especially the new stuff that’s coming.                       favorite collaborators, but often a song is born through a spon-  ing through a window straight into my unfiltered consciousness.
                                                                                                                                         taneous lyrical or melodic idea. You can never predict when a   It often cuts right to the core of my truth, and leaves me stunned
                                                                You recently collaborated with Iggy Azalea and Renee Blair               clever hook or catchy melody is going to be born, so when it   by the fact that certain combinations of words can unlock a
                                                                on your new single, “Knock Yourself Out.”  How does your                 happens I try to capture it as quickly as possible by recording   brand new perspective on my own thoughts and feelings. Music
                                                                creative process change, whether you’re working solo or in               it into my voice memo app on my phone. If I’m writing about   is magic. I’m forever grateful to be one of its many conduits and
                                                                collaboration?                                                           a specific situation or emotion, I’ll grab a notebook and write   I can’t wait to see what the future holds. TA
                                                                I’m  always  collaborating  whether it’s with other songwriters,                     The wonderful thing about music is that there’s something for everyone
                                                                producers, or artists. It’s the best. I typically find that two heads                                and a song for pretty much any mood.
                           KINGSLEY “RICH AFRIKAN”              are better than one, and three are better than two. I tend to                                                   SOPHIA SCOTT
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