Page 155 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 155


              Maejor and                                       You’re the first pop artist to release music at a
                                                               healing frequency of 432 Hz. Why was this important to you?
              Kingsley                                         MAEJOR:

              “Rich Afrikan”                                   I felt it was important to be a bridge between the “sound
                                                               healing” world and mainstream music that you hear on the

                                                               KINGSLEY “RICH AFRIK AN”:
              You are collaborating on original music for Tracy Anderson
              studios. What do you hope people experience      I’m wearing multiple hats on this music collaboration. I’m a
              when they listen to it?                          business mind as well as a creative. My music sounds like any-
                                                               body tapping into their most authentic selves with the highest
              MAEJOR:                                          level of clarity and taste level. It also sounds like a multi-bil-
                                                               lionaire [coming] from humble beginnings, counting his bless-
              The goal of our collaboration is to help elevate the Tracy An-  ings before every meal and crying tears of joy for the rest of his
              derson Method music catalog by working with emerging and   or her life while doing everything [with love] and consistent
              established artists. We’re creating amazing music by merging   gratitude. Specifically, I’ve enjoyed and appreciated collaborat-
 22           new sounds and vibes. We’re just having fun collaborating with   ing with artists and producers during this process so far such as   22
 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  hope people are motivated to move and get into it when they                            Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
                                                               Sophia Scott, Haley Jonah, Maejor, Trillionz, Lana LaDonna,
              very talented artists and producers and we’re looking to col-
                                                               Gaddy, Illuminati G, Eli Myles, and Dub No Cap. We’re look-
              laborate with more. Working with my partner, Kingsley “Rich
              a beautiful process. We’re creating new sounds revolutionizing
 144          Afrikan,” to create new waves for the fitness industry has been   ing forward to collaborating more.  145
              the influence that music can have on fitness and vice versa. We
              hear the music. We’re having fun creating the music and using
              the music in our personal health and fitness journeys.
                                                                        on ‘sound healing’
 C            KINGSLEY “RICH AFRIK AN”:                                “I’m focused                                  C
 TRA          We make music to elevate Tracy’s online content. We’re    through frequencies                          TRA
              working with producers and artists who specialize in various
              genres—it’s a collaborative  process  from beginning to end.   in music.
              Collaborating with as many talented musicians to enhance   Frequencies in
              Tracy Anderson’s phenomenal fitness experience is the goal.
              We want people to move when they hear this music—get mo-  music heal
              tivated to increase their heart rate, you feel me. It’s music that   the body. We’re all
              moves, for sure. We also have some exclusive playlists coming
              soon so we’re excited for that.                           connected, so I

              How would you describe your music to someone              like to tap
                                                                        into frequencies
              who has never heard it?
                                                                        that give life.”

              I’m grateful to be creating art at the highest level so I want to       MAEJOR
              make sure I’m intentional about the energy and frequency in
              my music. I’m focused on “sound healing” through frequen-
              cies in music. Frequencies in music heal the body. We’re all
              connected, so I like to tap into frequencies that give life. Music
              is so powerful in that way of connecting and healing.
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