Page 162 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 162


               Metamorphosis DVD, I couldn’t have foreseen the impact it   and find new opportunities to bring our entire community to-  particular success story. This is the moment                  What imparting words of wisdom would
               would have on others. We went in there with a goal: to bring   gether starting with Tracy and our training team.          clients realize that it’s more than losing                    you give to someone who’s about
               our expertise and research to the world. We wanted anybody                                                                weight or inches. It’s more than a workout.  WAS              to try Tracy’s Method for the first time?
               looking for balance in their lives to have the opportunity to   Others have attempted to replicate
               do so, not just our studio members.              Tracy’s Method. Can you shed some light on what                          Something clicks inside them when they re-   ABLE             MK: For your first studio visit, we always sug-
                                                                sets it apart from the rest?                                             alize that daily movement, making healthy                     gest that you leave judgment at the door.
               My favorite part of the experience was the Metamorphosis                                                                  choices, and showing up for themselves is     TO              For yourself and others. You’ll hear Tracy
               testing group. I was able to see the impact we were making   MK: When Tracy Anderson first came on the scene (and I       better than losing weight. It’s better than the               echo these words in her post-class chats
               through each participant who was committed to the journey.   first joined this team) we were the only dance-based fitness   physical aspect of what Tracy’s Method can   HAVE           online and Vitality Weeks. From there,
               They showed up for themselves every day, whether that be   method that was working the body in this way. Over the         bring them. There is a sparkle in their eyes,                 the studio team will show you around the
               performing to the best of their ability, following the food   years, we have started seeing so many people trying to repli-  a newfound confidence, focus and lightness.   TANGIBLE     space and answer any of your questions.
               menu, or measuring their body every 10 days. By follow-  cate it. Not only is this harmful from a business standpoint     Watching this unfold for each client in their                 Whether you are doing a private one-on-
               ing the program to a T, their results were amazing doing the   but it’s also harmful to all the people who follow these oth-  own time is what I love seeing and being a                one session, a group class or working on
               program the right way.  I am still in awe of the changes I   er brands that haven’t done the research. Additionally, they   part of. It’s the most memorable aspect of   EVIDENCE       your custom program, the trainer assigned
               saw firsthand in the lives and bodies of these participants.   haven’t put in the same time or education to support the   this workout and job.                                         to you will introduce themselves and make
               This was a very important time for me. I was able to have   results they claim.                                                                                        THAT             sure you’re all set to break a sweat. During
               tangible evidence that the work I was doing changed lives in                                                              For those who are unfamiliar, can you                         the workout, you’ll notice that we’re not
               a positive way.                                  I think there’s a misconception that any dancer can do or teach          describe the intake and process a client     THE              like other traditional fitness programs.
                                                                it. But that just isn’t true. Tracy’s Method is so much more             would experience working with the                             The instructor will not speak during the
               Can you speak to the evolution of Tracy’s Method?   than dancing on beat or coming up with choreography. We               Prescription Team?                          WORK              workout. Instead, we allow you to focus
                                                                work the body in specific ways and target how the mind and                                                                             on yourself and “tracking” the movement.
        22     MK: Tracy’s Method is all about a growth mindset. It’s one of   body will connect to support a unified balance of strength in   MK: The Prescription Team, aka PRX Team,   I WAS        Tracking is using your brain to connect   22
        Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  (we used to only have mat class—no levels) to the equipment   clients empty promises.               rigorous audition and training process and   LIVES            heat and humidity will be turned up for   Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
                                                                the body. The content that is created at TA and the way we
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to what you see the instructor doing and
                                                                                                                                         is a small, highly-skilled team. In order to
               the most important things we look for in new trainers. The
                                                                                                                                         be on this exclusive team, you must demon-
               ability to continually challenge yourself and keep the founda-
                                                                utilize and select programs for each client is based on actual
                                                                                                                                                                                                       how your body interrupts and mimics
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and pumping to allow you to be engaged
               We’ve demonstrated this in all aspects of the company from
                                                                                                                                         set to support our clients to achieve their
                                                                It’s more than just a workout. So when copycats try to mimic
       1 1 1525252  tion of your mission as you push it forward to new heights.   experience and results that have been monitored and studied.   strate that you have the integrity and skill   CHANGED   those movements. The music will be loud   15353
                                                                                                                                                                                                       on how your body is moving. Lastly, the
                                                                it, they are missing the fundamental concepts and feeding their
                                                                                                                                         most balanced self. This means passing our
               the expansion of studios to the types of classes and content
                                                                                                                                         showing that you’re a successful trainer and
               used to the choreography that becomes more efficient with
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the health and elasticity of your skin and
               each class that drops.
                                                                I think that’s what hurts the most. It’s knowing that people are
                                                                                                                                         leader in the classroom. The PRX Team
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to allow you deeper access to your mus-
                                                                                                                                         of the research, achievements, and how to
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to ignite your body, turn on your senses
                                                                results, therefore leaving them confused and unsatisfied. In the
                                                                end, we at TA help them find their way back to an authentic
                                                                                                                                         use the content and choreography that Tra-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and adrenaline, and empower your body
               over six years ago as a way to allow access to Tracy’s classes.
        C      Then, of course, there’s the Online Studio. This was launched   being bombarded and saturated by options that can’t deliver   goes through additional specialized training   IN         cles. All of these attributes work together   C
        TRA    The studio and its content has evolved so much since then!  connection of showing up for themselves in a real way.        cy creates.                                                   to move in ways you didn’t think possible.   TRA
                                                                                                                                                                                   POSITIVE            This is when you can show up for your
               Each week, you receive a different level of muscular structure,   Work-life balance is so important. How do you find time    Once on this team, it’s our role to welcome                health in a new, exciting way, release any
               cardio complements for varying abilities and levels, plus 13 dif-  for yourself during your busiest weeks?                each and every new client and set them up                     stress, and focus on the present.
               ferent elective pieces to supplement your workout. Now, more                                                              with using Tracy’s Method for their indi-   WAY.”
               than ever, our community at home receives a very customized   MK: This last year was definitely a struggle. Between COVID-19   vidual needs. We take each client through a              What advice would you give to someone
               experience to support their growth and journey to being their   and the studios being closed, it really showed me how import-  series of questions and gather information               whose New Year’s resolution is to start
               most balanced selves, at home.                   ant finding balance is and how important my fitness is to me.            about their body and their physical histo-                    exercising?
                                                                I notice a true difference in my focus, productivity, and overall        ry. We speak vulnerably about how they
               The launch of TA LIVE is an example of how we continue to   attitude and energy on the days that I worked out first thing in   feel and see themselves. This information                MK: Just do it! There’s no such thing as wait-
               push the boundaries of how to help our community on their   the morning. It was this awareness that allowed me to make    supports our body assessment of photos                        ing until you “lose weight” or “get in better
               health and wellness journey. When we first started, it was one   this a priority. Taking the time for myself allows me to be   and measurements to identify areas that lack balance. From   shape.” Start where you are and with what you have. When you
               class with Tracy. Now, we have over 200 classes per month   more present in other activities. It’s not always easy and there   there, we use this information to create a custom program.  awaken this fire in yourself, it’s then that you will “lose weight”
               with our amazing training team. The trainers are the ones who   will be days where you’d rather sleep in, but consistency is                                              and  “get in better shape.” That doesn’t happen with wishing
               lead our studio communities every day. They help make the   key. Everything else will fall into place if your own health and   In other words, the Prescription Team is each client’s own per-  and dreaming. It happens with everything we have to offer, from
               Online Studio what it is—the chance to provide a studio expe-  connection to self is a priority.                          sonal cheerleader, coach, and doctor of Tracy’s Method.  custom program design for both in-studio and virtual sessions,
               rience to those at home.                                                                                                                                                  to the group classes and online studio, to 13 new electives each
                                                                Is there a success story that has been your favorite and                 We provide them a “prescription” of how to use Tracy’s Meth-  week. There is something for every body at every level of fitness.
               Tracy Anderson Method was the first to have this kind of ex-  most memorable?                                             od. After the initial consultation and body assessment, the Pre-  Make a promise to yourself to show up for yourself every day
               perience and now everybody is offering some sort of streaming                                                             scription Team does regular check-ins to monitor the results   with whatever you have and wherever you are in your journey.
               service but it doesn’t matter. We continue to grow and build   MK: That’s a tough one! Truthfully, it’s more a feeling than one   and support each person’s needs to create health habits.  Your future self will thank you!  TA
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