Page 25 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 25


                          INTENTION, ATTENTION

                                      & EXPECTATION

                                       THE PILLARS OF MANIFESTING A NEW LIFE

              It’s natural to find ourselves making resolutions   ing, we know all there is, or ever will be, is the present moment. It’s
                                                               the only place we can consciously exist and make choices.
              at the beginning of a new year. The idea of a new
                                                               It’s good to know where you want to go but once that image
         1.  Rosenthal, R. (1994). Interpersonal Expectancy Effects: A 30-Year Perspective. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 3(6), 176–179. http:/ /
              “me” leads us to think about all we’d like to change   is in mind, focus mostly on what you can do now to obtain it.
                                                               Don’t look at how high the roof is; instead look at the first rung
              in our lives to bring our manifestations into reality.    on the ladder and then the next. Keep the image of your inten-
                                                               tion in the back of your mind while keeping your attention in
              Having plans and goals is a good thing, but resolutions can   every present moment. It’s like sitting in a dark movie theater   22
              quickly become overwhelming and even intimidating if we   with a friend. Even though you can see him reaching for his
              put too much pressure on ourselves and create deadlines to   popcorn in the darkness through your peripheral vision, your
              accomplish “this” by “that” time. Understanding nature and   primary focus is on the screen. You can see both things at the
              our place in it can help us avoid pressure and self-judgment.   same time, but you’re choosing which to give the bulk of your
                                                               attention to.
              Life is in a constant state of renewal, creating an endless chain                                     23 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
              of new beginnings. The propensity of life is always forward   If we make specific goals, take a methodical approach and
              through an infinite cycle of rebirth. This evening will give way   remain consistent. We will reach our goals sooner or later. It
              to tomorrow morning. Even though the earth has experienced   must be so in a universe where everything is connected and ev-
              countless mornings, that one will be unlike any other, com-  ery action has a reaction. The key is where we put our attention
              pletely unique. It must be because it’s impossible to grow into   and the outcome we’re expecting from our efforts.
              what has already been.                                                                                 C
                                                                            The Expectancy Effect                    TRA
              The same thing happens to you. Every single cell in your body   Science has known for quite some time that our expectations
              is regenerated about every three years. Even cells such as those   of how a situation will turn out does influence the actual out-
              from the brain and heart, which science long thought were fi-  come. That’s why, in order to ensure the highest degree of ac-
              nite, renew themselves. When this year is over, whether you’ve   curacy, most medical research is performed as a double blind
              accomplished your resolution or not, you won’t be the same   study. This means that neither the participants nor the profes-
              person physically, emotionally or spiritually as the one who   sionals administering the study know the critical aspects of the
              started the journey. You will have moved forward. Your body   experiment. For example, in a research study on a new pain
              will have billions of new cells and your mind will possess infor-  reliever, neither the patients nor the people administering the
              mation you learned regarding your goal that you didn’t have   treatment would know who is receiving the actual medication
              in these first few weeks. You and your life will have changed   and who is receiving the placebo. This is done to minimize the
              for the better in many ways. Isn’t that what we all want, to   effect patients’ and administrators’ expectations could have on
              move forward? It’s nice to know the universe guarantees that   the final results.
              we could never stay the same or return to the same starting
              point, even if we tried.                         Robert Rosenthal of Harvard Medical School is most widely
                                                               known for his early work in psychology with the expectancy
              The key then to accomplishing our goals is to focus on what we   effect. In his most famous study, he labeled one cage of rats
              can do now to move closer to them. That’s all. Losing focus on   as bright and another as dull. Although all the rats were com-
              how much we can do in the present moment is what throws most   pletely common, he told his students that the bright rats were
              of us off track when manifesting our resolutions. We fall out of the   tested as highly intelligent, while the dull ones suffered a mental
              present moment because we’re psyching ourselves out over how we   deficit. Over the course of a week the students were to time
              could possibly achieve whatever it is that we want. Strictly speak-  their rats as they made several runs through a maze. While
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