Page 26 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 26


               there was no difference in intelligence between the rats, the
               ones the students perceived as smarter and expected to navi-  INTENTIONS
               gate the maze easily were twice as fast as the rats they thought
               of as dumb and expected to fail. Further studies have shown    & AGE
               that a teacher’s expectation affects how students perform on
               tests, and the expectations military trainers hold about their
               soldiers can actually make them run faster.             CAN WE DREAM NEW DREAMS
                                                                                  AFTER 50?
               While others’ expectations can certainly influence our experi-
               ences, nothing influences our experiences more than our own
               expectations. How many times have we heard stories about  Setting new intentions for your life in your 20s or 30s
               someone who no one believed in and had the odds stacked
               against him only to go on and become a huge success? To have  seems as attainable as your energy to achieve them.
               no or negative expectations for yourself is to fail before you
               even begin. Shakespeare said in Hamlet, “For ‘tis the sport to  But, what if you’re 53?
               have the engineer hoist with his own petard.” In the 16th Cen-
               tury, a machine of war was referred to as an engine. To “hoist   At a certain age it becomes harder to dream new dreams, not
               with his own petard” refers to someone being blown up by   because they aren’t possible but because we become set in our
               their own bomb. That is the power of your expectations. They   ways. We can become bogged down with the monotony of life
               can be the defining factor between success and failure.   or we may look back at the past with regret instead of towards
                                                                the future with excitement. We tell ourselves it’s too late to do
        22     So set your intention and expect only the best outcome. Try to   what we really want and that the way things are is the way
        Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20  When setting a new intention for your life the outcome needs   come with the classic midlife crisis they don’t know they’re
                                                                they’ll always be.
               surround yourself with people who love you enough to do the
               same on your behalf. Knowing exactly what that outcome looks
                                                                awareness, not age. What’s holding many middle-aged people
                               An Ideal Scene
                                                                back are the feelings of malaise, regret, and resignation that
       24      like for you is the final ingredient in the formula for a new life.    Fortunately, setting new intentions for our lives is a matter of
                                                                having because it looks nothing like the cliché we see on TV.
               to be clear. What does achieving your goal look like? Don’t
               worry about not knowing how the small details will come to
                                                                When we understand that a midlife crisis isn’t a crisis at all but
               much detail as possible. I tell my patients, “Don’t simply say,
                                                                kind of life we deserve.
               ‘I want to feel better.’”—that’s nonspecific. What does feeling
        C      fruition,  just get the overall picture painted in your mind in as   a calling to create a new life, we can work with it to create the
        TRA    better or having vibrant health look like to you? A good ideal   Contentment, Not Crisis
               scene of wellness might be seeing yourself running down the   It’s estimated that 10-12% of men experience a midlife
               beach flying kites with your children, as you feel the ocean mist   crisis, although these numbers likely account for men with
               on your face and energy coursing through your body. That   heightened symptoms who are seeing a therapist. Considering
               visual gives your subconscious and the universe something to   how subtle and universal the symptoms can be, I’m inclined
               work with!                                       to believe the average is higher, and it isn’t traditionally just  1.  The myth of the male mid-life crisis. CBS News Sunday Morning, (June 22, 2011) http:/ /
                                                                a man’s problem either. A study from Cornell University
               Hold your ideal scene in the context of “…this or something   showed 34% of men and 36% of women reported a difficult
               better for the highest good of all concerned.” While it’s im-  midlife transition. How many of us have gotten up to go  2 . Sue, Shellenbarger. (April 7, 2005). The female midlife crisis: more women than men now report upheaval by age 50.
               portant to create your ideal scene in as much detail as possible,   to work one morning after being in the same career for 25
               it’s equally important not to be stuck on every single detail so   years and ask ourselves, “So, this is it? This is all there is to
               much that your hard work and the universe can’t bring you   life?” You don’t have to be seeing a therapist to be struggling
               something even better. After all, would you really argue if your   with personal fulfillment issues and the direction your life
               ideal scene finally came to fruition but it happened to be on the   has taken.                          The wall street journal, http:/ /
               white sandy beaches of the Bahamas instead of Santa Barbara?
               I didn’t think so.                               The key to navigating through a midlife crisis is to understand
                                                                what it really is: a search for more meaning and purpose in
               For more health insights from Dr. Sadeghi or to read more   your life. The discontent that exists beneath your midlife crisis
               inspiring articles from his health and wellness journal, Mega-  may have been triggered by anything from feeling deeply
               ZEN™, please visit For daily messages of   established in your career or your kids leaving the nest. It’s
               encouragement and humor, follow him on Instagram at @  possible that the focus of your life may be shifting from taking
               drhabibsadeghi.                                  care of others to feeding your own soul and awakening creative
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