Page 31 - TA Magazine Winter 2022
P. 31






                       Connection                                           LIFE
               The connection begins with words
                  As prayers, praise, poems                            By Dr. Sherry Sami                            22
                  Words connect the feelings.
                Feelings connect the emotions.
                 Emotions connect the heart.
                 By ways of waves and energy.
                   By Love and frequency
                     Then we fly higher                                                                             29 Y ANDERSON        WINTER 20
                    Or we drown deeper
                      We see the soul.
                    We see the soul full of
                Joy, truth and love all together
                  We move towards Eternity.
                  We move towards Divine.                                                                            C
                   We move towards Bliss.                                                                            TRA
                     And we meet God.
                Then we see God in every heart.                  AFTER
                Then we see love in every heart.            COMING TOGETHER with family and friends
                 We connect with all universe.              during the holidays, I find this time of year is a
                      RAMESH KAVDI                          great opportunity to reflect on my relationships.
                                                            I see how I might grow in them, not just the ones
                                                            that are nurturing, but the ones that trigger me,
               “Anything that triggers us outside           as well. This past holiday season, many families
                 can be an opportunity to look              celebrated together for the first time after be-
               deeper for an unresolved issue that          ing separated for almost two years because of
                 needs healing inside, if we are            COVID-19.  There is now more potential for per-
                truly interested in evolving our            sonal growth in our relationships. Debates over
                  consciousness in this life.”              politics and public health have created some seri-
                     DR. SHERRY SAMI                        ous conflict that not only has polarized the coun-
                                                            try but families, as well. I’ve seen it in my friend-
                                                            ships and extended family, and I’m sure most of
                                                            you have had similar experiences.

                                                            The trick will be not to allow ourselves to be trig-
 Beige Beaded Mesh                                          gered by sharp remarks or opposing opinions. In-
 Floor Length Gown by BERTA,                                stead, we need to ask ourselves what the lesson is
 Diamond & Akoya Pearl                                      that our souls are trying to teach us during these
 Earrings by ANNE BAKER                                     challenging times. What choices can we make to
                                                            act as agents of change and unity instead of sep-
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