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June 30, 2020
By: Sierra Asplundh

Angelica Terepka is from Long Beach, NY – find and follow her on Instagram here: @tertamsista

Today I connect my mental and emotional health with physical fitness because of the positive energy my own body creates when I make the time to move and exercise. This balance of emotional, mental, and physical well-being is what keeps me strong. Two years ago I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror—I no longer resembled my twin sister, and I didn’t have the energy of a person my age or the physical endurance I used to. At the start of 2018, I was at my heaviest, unhealthiest, and unhappiest—and worse, I believed that I didn’t have the ability to change the reality I had created. My sister-in-law @agikonwalia had done the Method for years, but I always thought it was for physically fit women who wanted to emphasize their toned physiques, not for everyone, and definitely not for me. I started the Method in August 2018 when Tracy created a challenge for her streamers, and my competitive side kicked in. Immediately I saw results.


My arms became more defined, my core became stronger, and my chronic lower-back pain was significantly reduced. I have since lost 40 lbs by combining this method with a diet that works for me (low sugar due to life-long elevated blood-sugar levels).


I think more positively about my own strengths and my ability to improve. I began to believe in the power I had to shape my physique and thoughts, and to create a life in which I was healthy.


I finally found a healthy balance between giving every bit of my energy out into the world and creating some for myself. Over the past year and a half, I have learned that if I contribute some energy into my own self-care routine (which includes working out), I simultaneously create more energy for my family, career, and social life.


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