Tracy Anderson






I am so proud that you have chosen to have me as your teacher and design your healthiest body. I have dedicated over a decade to creating the tools, movements, and prescriptions to keep your muscles awake and alert and be able to give you the body you desire. No one in fitness has ever created the collection of content that the Tracy Anderson Method delivers you. With this program, your results will never plateau or fail you like any fitness programs you may have tried in the past.

Advancing on the dances that you have learned in Tracy Anderson’s first dance DVD, this workout adds more complicated choreography and dance sequences to follow as you progress in your ability and skill level. Cardio is just as an important component as your muscular structure work and my dance DVDs should be used in conjunction with either the mat DVD or the Perfect Design Series depending on your ability. The goal of these DVDs is to excel your ability enough so that you are able to reach the level of Metamorphosis, which is customized by body type and gives your the most personalized workout available.

Intro, Warmup & Breakdown (47 Minutes): In this segment Tracy will break down and teach each dance demonstrating the different patterns and choreography giving you the tools needed to perform the dances, equipped with a full warm up.
Dance Sequence (43 Minutes): This full segment allows you to take the steps learned for each dance in the breakdown and perform them along side Tracy for an optimal cardio experience.

FILMED: 2010