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Celebrate Tracy’s 50th birthday with the Legacy Lift (3.3 lbs): her new limited-edition tribute tool. PRE-ORDER NOW.
In honor of Tracy’s 50th, get 50% off your 1st month in the Online Studio. Discover our special limited-time offers.
Grow into the new you. Brand new Growth Rings content just dropped in the Online Studio. Stream now.
Strength, Redefined. Discover Growth Rings.
MYMODE Lite. Pre-order today.
New! HeartStone + Crystal Kit Bundle. Save 30% Today.
20% off the Crystal Bundle Kit. Om Your Energy.
We're back at The Colony Palm Beach. Book classes.
July 9, 2020
By: Sierra Asplundh

Sheba Sawyer is from Burney, California – find and follow her on instagram here: @shebatime

I started Tracy’s method in 2014 doing the Mat Workout and soon after that graduated to her Hipcentric Metamorphosis program. After that, the results were undeniable, and I was hooked! In 2015, I started streaming, which not only improved my physical performance but also was the beginning of a deeper mental and emotional connection to the method.

In 2016 we welcomed our daughter Sophie, and during my pregnancy, I was incredibly thankful for Tracy’s Pregnancy Project and the streaming platform. Because of my consistency and the rigor of the workout, my doctor cleared me to summit two mountains during my pregnancy (Mt. Shasta at three months and Mt. Lassen at six months).

Once again, the workouts had empowered me to keep doing what I love most. I met Tracy IRL for the first time in 2017 at the Austin Vitality Week. It was a profound experience to be moving with Tracy and all the other ladies, and by the end of that year I had lost my pregnancy weight, was back in the advanced class, and had gained more definition than I had pre pregnancy.


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