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Olivia Palermo shares social media journey after Tracy Anderson Q&A

In 2018 Olivia Palermo hired a social media agency to help build her online following. She already had five million followers on Instagram. That agency noticed something it thought was curious about her appeal.

“When we would show stuff of her private life, it wouldn’t perform as well,” said Jeffrey Tousey, the founder of Beekman Social.

This broke most of the understood rules of social media. You’re supposed to flaunt your glamorous life, but also, show your authentic self — here’s me putting on makeup before the gala, here’s me straightening my hair in a random bathroom.

It even extended to the old crowd pleaser: pets. “We’d post a picture of Mr. Butler,” Mr. Tousey said, referring to her dog, “and it wouldn’t perform.”

There was only one thing her followers (now 6.3 million) desired. “People want to see what she’s wearing,” Mr. Tousey said.

So Ms. Palermo is a famous personality who offers a very small window into her actual life, other than the occasional photo out with her German model husband, Johannes Huebl, or walking Mr. Butler, or, one taken this past summer, on a yacht in Greece, while vacationing with the designer Valentino Garavani.

You will never see her at home on a Sunday in sweats and a greasy ponytail. She probably does not do this off-camera either: Ms. Palermo wrote in a Q. and A. on the website of her trainer, Tracy Anderson, that “Sunday is not an excuse for looking badly dressed.”

Read the full social media journey of Olivia Palermo below.

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